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X Ways To Secure Your Cargo When Shipping

June 2, 2023


Shipping cargo is a critical aspect of global trade, and ensuring the safety of goods in transit is a top priority for both shippers and carriers. This guide explores how to secure cargo when shipping to prevent damage, loss or injury. It discusses various cargo securing methods, from cargo lashing to strapping, and provides tips on how to choose the right packaging materials for your needs.

  1. Understanding Cargo Securing Principles

    When securing cargo in transit, a few key principles should be observed to ensure the safety and stability of your goods.

    • Proper Weight Distribution: Distributing the weight of your cargo evenly is essential to maintain stability during transit. This means positioning heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top as well as distributing the weight across the entire floor area. Uneven weight distribution can lead to shifting, tipping or even the collapse of your cargo, causing damage or loss.
    • Adequate Blocking and Bracing: Blocking and bracing are crucial to prevent cargo from shifting during transit. This involves using wooden blocks, chocks or dunnage to fill gaps between the cargo and the container walls or floor. These materials help to immobilise the cargo and ensure it remains securely in place throughout the shipping process.
  1. Choosing The Right Packaging Materials

    The type of packaging materials you choose can significantly impact the security of your cargo during shipping.

    • Quality Wooden Pallets And Crates: Wooden pallets and crates are popular choices for shipping various types of cargo, as they provide a sturdy and durable base for stacking and securing goods. When choosing wooden packaging materials, sourcing them from a reliable supplier is essential to ensure quality and compliance with international standards. For example, check a wood packaging manufacturer Melbourne and see what they have to offer and see if they can provide pallets and crates that meet the requirements for safe and secure cargo transportation.
    • Protective Packaging Materials: In addition to wooden pallets and crates, you may need to use protective packaging materials to cushion and protect your cargo from damage. This can include bubble wrap, foam inserts, or even airbags to fill voids in the packaging. These materials help absorb shocks and vibrations during transit, minimising the risk of damage to your goods.
  1. Cargo Lashing and Strapping Techniques

    Cargo lashing, strapping, edge protectors, and corner guards are integral to securing cargo in transit, providing additional stability and preventing movement during shipping. These techniques and accessories are used to enhance the security of your cargo.

    • Cargo Lashing: Cargo lashing involves using ropes, chains, or synthetic webbing to tie down and secure cargo to pallets or other anchoring points. This method is particularly useful for larger or irregularly shaped items that may be difficult to secure using other methods. The lashing must be tight and secure when using cargo lashing, with no slack or loose ends that could come undone during transit.
    • Cargo Strapping: Cargo strapping involves using metal or plastic bands to secure items together or to a pallet. This method is commonly used for smaller or more uniform items, such as boxes or cartons. When using cargo strapping, choosing the right type of strapping material for your cargo is crucial, as different materials have varying levels of strength and durability. See to it that the strapping is tight and secure, and use appropriate tools such as tensioners and sealers to achieve a strong and stable connection.
    • Edge Protectors and Corner Guards: Edge protectors and corner guards are essential accessories for cargo lashing and strapping. When securing your cargo, it’s crucial to use edge protectors and corner guards when straps or lashings come into contact with the cargo’s edges or corners.

    These protective devices distribute the pressure from the securing materials evenly, preventing damage to the cargo and reducing the risk of the straps or lashings cutting into the goods. By using them, you can further enhance the safety and security of your cargo during shipping.

  1. Regular Inspections And Maintenance

    Conduct regular inspections and maintenance of your cargo-securing equipment and materials to ensure they remain in optimal condition and continue to provide reliable cargo securing.

    • Inspect Cargo Securing Equipment: Regularly inspect your cargo securing equipment such as ropes, chains, straps, and lashing devices for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion. Damaged or worn equipment can compromise the security of your cargo, leading to potential accidents or loss. Replace any damaged or worn equipment immediately to maintain the safety and stability of your cargo during transit.
    • Maintain Packaging Materials: In addition to inspecting your cargo-securing equipment, it’s important to maintain your packaging materials, such as wooden pallets and crates. Check for signs of damage, rot, or infestation, as these issues can weaken the structural integrity of the packaging and put your cargo at risk. Regularly treat and repair wooden packaging materials to ensure they remain strong, durable, and compliant with international shipping standards.
  1. Training And Compliance

    Proper training and compliance with international shipping regulations are critical to securing cargo. Ensuring all staff involved in the shipping process are knowledgeable and skilled in cargo securing techniques can help minimise the risk of accidents, damage, or loss.

    • Staff Training: Invest in regular staff training to ensure all personnel involved in the shipping process are familiar with the latest cargo-securing techniques and best practices. This can include training on cargo lashing and strapping equipment, proper weight distribution, and selecting and maintaining packaging materials. A well-trained workforce can help prevent accidents and ensure your cargo’s safe and secure transportation.
    • Compliance With International Regulations: Compliance with international shipping regulations, such as the International Maritime Organization’s Guidelines for Cargo Securing, is necessary for the safety and legality of your cargo transportation. Familiarise yourself with these regulations and check to see if your cargo-securing methods and materials meet the requirements. Regular audits and inspections can help identify any areas of non-compliance and allow you to take corrective action before issues arise.


Securing cargo when shipping is a crucial aspect of the global trade process that requires careful planning, the right materials, and proper techniques. By following the principles of proper weight distribution, blocking and bracing, choosing the right packaging materials, and utilising effective cargo lashing and strapping methods, you can almost guarantee your goods’ safe and secure transportation. Regular inspections, maintenance, and staff training, along with compliance with international regulations, can further safeguard your cargo and minimise the risk of damage, loss, or injury.