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Are timber pallets & crates treated?

March 10, 2023


If you have ever had to have a large shipment of something delivered to you, you likely had it brought on large wooden pallets. It doesn’t matter whether this came to your business or home, wooden pallets are a very convenient way for them to be able to use of forklift to raise and lower the pallet of goods, positioning it where the items are needed.

This is a very convenient idea, but you may wonder if these pallets or crates are treated in any way. This is an even bigger concern if you are having food, medicine, or other items that are going to be worn, consumed, or come in direct contact with people or pets. Treated wood could still have chemicals in them, and you want to use a courier that is reliable and the services that they offer while also providing you safe materials for your goods.



This question cannot be answered with 100% certainty, but you can be fairly sure that most pallets and crates you receive are going to be treated. The purpose of this is twofold.

First, there is concern about longevity of the materials. Treating the wood helps to prevent rotting and corrosion of metals and would do to the impact of weather, such as heat, humidity, rain, cold, or snow. Many couriers expect to use these pallets and crates for years to come. This is not a short-term expense, so they want something that is long-lasting and will make it through the harsh conditions that Australia has to offer at times.

In addition, there is a concern about insects, such as termites. Bugs, such as these, can eat away at the wood, causing it to become a weekend, even unusable. To prevent termites and other pests from affecting the crates and pallets, the materials are treated with a pesticide that prevents these pests from damaging the wood.

This is for the benefit of the recipient of the packages well. Not only do they want to ensure that their contents are safely secured within the container or on the pallet, but they also do not want pests coming along for the ride. This prevents that from occurring.



This leads to the final question. If these materials are treated by some type of insecticide or other material, is it safe for your goods? The truth is that it absolutely is.

The reason that these materials are used to prevent damage to the container is because they are safe and effective. There are no toxic chemicals or antigens and it that pulls a risk to you, your customers, employees, or any other person who comes in contact with the pallet, crate, or goods that were contained within them.

They are a danger to critters like termites, mice, rats, and other similar types of pests, but not to you. You should be made aware that each of these chemicals that are used is thoroughly tested and must be approved before it can be used on crates or pallets. A rigorous procedure is adhered to, so you can be sure of your safety.

Knowing this, have confidence that shipping your goods through a courier that uses crates and pallets is as safe as can be.